domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

The Hollow Earth Theory

Hollow Earth Theory:

From a long time ago, scientists and explorers have wondered what happens at the poles of the earth, it is known that the devices and compasses are lost in a key point, right in the pole vortex, whereas here occurs unexplained things, and that is why many people now wonder what other things the government hides from us? ...

Oil is an unlimited resource of land, just a matter of digging more, but if you already know the government ... why say that oil is running out? Why do birds migrate north in winter? Why the gravity of the earth is not homogeneous?

Researchers and philosophers from many centuries ago are beginning to ask what actually happened here why the poles to reach the bortice were warmer? Why is the Earth's gravity is not homogeneous?.

For the year 1970 a researcher at the NASA gender achievement pressure and intervene NASA make a further study to see if the theory was correct and that the Earth is hollow, because the answer is not yet known, since the results the study were classified in a record of the many thousands top secret in the American union ... If not then the theory was true ... Why the mystery? Why do people create unrealistic theories about the planet we live on?

One of the theories that best confirms to the reality is that in the earth there is a second sun, which causes the same circumstances of life in the land, and the climate that exists in the outside, is also in the interior of the earth, similar to that at some point Jules Verne wrote in his book "Journey to the center of the Earth"

However, there are still many natural events that remain a mystery, as is the aurora borealis, what actually generates it?. Well, if it is true that in the earth there is a second sun, this to deflect their light outside, the light hits the ground layer and generates these refractive effects at the center of the cavities exist from where these light effects.

William Reed an American writer in his book "Ghosts of the poles" made a compilation of all the strange things that happen in scouts said their research. He would say that if the earth is hollow Why after overcoming the latitude 70, the weather gets warmer? Why are winds blowing dust on the ice? Why in the latitude 82 the compass becomes mad and points to a point in space? Why ice caps are fresh water? Why do the birds go north in winter? Why land is cut at the poles? Why after the Sumatran Tsunami, the ground began to vibrate?

Moreover, there is a ban that something either satellite or an airplane flying over the pole vortex, which is even rarer. Currently it is believed that not only the earth, if not all planets and galaxies in space are hollow and have an inner sun that spins on its own axis.

There are many theories that if the earth is hollow, there are advanced civilizations like aliens living here, another theory is religious theory that Adam and Eve lived here or even that there is another world beneath us. The truth is we will never know what is really going on here ... is the subject of discucion we leave ... What ya think is actually true?

Here is the links to watch the videos in detail 

Hollow Earth Theory 3D HD

Filmed the hollow earth 

Hollow Earth Theory